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Furatmérő mikrométer

Még több információt a Furatmérő használatáról a Tudástárban találsz a Precíziós mérőeszközök rövid ismertetője - Furatmérő mikrométer fejezetben.


Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 12-20 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.275.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.275.PN
Gyártó: 113
345.100 Ft + ÁFA (438.277 Ft)
Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 12-20 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital three point internal micrometer, 4 pcs/set 20 - 50 mm, with scale 0.005 mm carbide meas. face, with setting ring and extension 113.312.276.M

Cikkszám: 113.312.276.M
Gyártó: 113
915.050 Ft + ÁFA (1.162.114 Ft)
Digital three point internal micrometer, 4 pcs/set 20 - 50 mm, with scale 0.005 mm carbide meas. face, with setting ring and extension
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 20-50 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.276.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.276.PN
Gyártó: 113
734.650 Ft + ÁFA (933.006 Ft)
Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 20-50 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital three point internal micrometer, 4 pcs/set 50 - 100 mm, with scale 0.005 mm carbide meas. face, with setting ring and extension 113.312.277.M

Cikkszám: 113.312.277.M
Gyártó: 113
1.116.900 Ft + ÁFA (1.418.463 Ft)
Digital three point internal micrometer, 4 pcs/set 50 - 100 mm, with scale 0.005 mm carbide meas. face, with setting ring and extension
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 50-100 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.277.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.277.PN
Gyártó: 113
902.750 Ft + ÁFA (1.146.493 Ft)
Digital threepoint internal micrometer set 50-100 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 6-10 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.283.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.283.PN
Gyártó: 113
312.710 Ft + ÁFA (397.142 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 6-10 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 8-12 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.284.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.284.PN
Gyártó: 113
303.280 Ft + ÁFA (385.166 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 8-12 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 12-20 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.285.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.285.PN
Gyártó: 113
293.440 Ft + ÁFA (372.669 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 12-20 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 20-30 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.286.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.286.PN
Gyártó: 113
328.700 Ft + ÁFA (417.449 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 20-30 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 30-50 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.287.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.287.PN
Gyártó: 113
355.810 Ft + ÁFA (451.879 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 30-50 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 50-75 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.288.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.288.PN
Gyártó: 113
411.980 Ft + ÁFA (523.215 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 50-75 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás

Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 75-100 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge 113.312.289.PN

Cikkszám: 113.312.289.PN
Gyártó: 113
449.700 Ft + ÁFA (571.119 Ft)
Digital threepoint micrometer with two heads, 75-100 mm, IP 65 with extension and setting ring gauge
15 munkanapos szállítás