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[VIDEO] Wikus videó - Az új WIKUS® MARATHON® M42 - A gazdaságos fűrészelés megtestesítője

WIKUS-Sägenfabrik, Europe’s largest manufacturer of band saw blades, presents the further development of its universal bimetal band saw blade MARATHON® M42 for medium-sized and large cross-sections.

MARATHON® M42 is the epitome of economic sawing. The proven product characteristics include, among others, a M42 cutting edge with positive rake angle, variable tooth pitches and consistent high quality.

The new process design for the production of the successful product MARATHON® M42 further improves blade-life and efficiency. Moreover, the superfinishing of the cutting edges results in a better cutting surface. The fine blade surface saves the blade guides of the machine and increases the fatigue strength. The result is a reduced need of finishing. The broad application range reduces downtimes and set-up times thanks to less blade changes. Thus, the user profits from considerable cutting cost savings and increases his cost efficiency significantly.

All dimensions will be adjusted to the optimized version gradually.

© Copyright by WIKUS-Sägenfabrik, Germany


Tartalomhoz tartozó címkék: videó